Hi, This is a picture of an 8-10' shrub in Cambridge, Ontario. Its colour is the same during the entire growing season. It seemed to die off last winter and has not yet reached its previous height. The new growth is from the ground up. The previous stems have no growth on them. This picture was taken last year. I sent the info to a local nursery with no results as yet. I would appreciate any help in identifying it. The home owners(China?) have no idea and may not have planted it. If it would help, I could take recent pictures showing the old stems. Thanks for your help ....... Erle
Some of the googles pictures do look very similar but have have never noticed it er...smoking. Will see if the owners can confirm the flowers. I don't recall seeing any. later........ Erle
Seems like you guys are right. I had a closer look when I went over to talk with the owners. There are a few wisps of seeds/flowers that I hadn't noticed from the road. I took the picture last year in August and never noticed anything but great form and colour. Too bad. I really liked this specimen shrub but if it is going to start smoking and polluting the neighborhood when it grows up, I will need to think again about propagating it. I'd like to thank everyone for all the help. I do appreciate it. Another time....... Erle