Hi. I have a shrub that goes around the front of my property. Unfortunately, my sprinklers stopped working recently and I didn't realize the issue until 2 of the shrubs died. I would like to replace them, but have not been able to figure out what the shrub us. Here are some pictures: Thanks for the help! PS - I live in Southern California. :-)
That's a Hebe (or Veronica in some classifications). It's hard to tell exactly which as it seems to have become a little leggy through being in the shade. Probably one of the H x franciscana hybrids or a H. speciosa cultivar. You can see quite a few on my website at http://www.botanicalstockphotos.com/photos-shrubby-veronica-1432.htm. Geoff Bryant
Try "Hebe rakaiensis" or Hebe ‘Mary Antoinette’ We have a dozen on our website - www.aerulean.com which focuses on plants grown for the CA market - searchable by leaf length, color, and mature height. To study the names try www.theplantlist - the world's authoritative site for current plant names (and some synonyms). Put Hebe in the search bar and it will display the current list of accepted species.