I found quite a lot of specimens of this fairly tall shrub when I walked down from Grouse Mountain on May 30, 2006. Is this oval-leaved blueberry (Vaccinium ovalifolium) or is there an alternative suggestion?
Vaccinium alaskaense? This species blooms after leaves develop. Vaccinium ovalifolium blooms before leaves develop.
Thank you very much! This should really be Vaccinium alaskaense, also because of the exserted style and the form and the color of the flowers. I have got another blueberry image which needs identification but I'll put that into a new thread because it is not from Grouse Mountain and possibly a different species.
Anything from Grouse Mountain should really be a grouseberry, too. Not that I'm grousing here, mind you.
Hi Ron: It cannot be because grouseberry should be Vaccinium scoparium. This should not grow near the coast and it does not look like the shrub I took the picture of. Vaccinium scoparium should be a small shrub with green or yellowish green branches and serrulate leave margins. I haven't encountered this species yet but the books are sufficiently clear about this.
still no grouseberry I know, of course, that your remarks were intended as a joke but I just wanted to make sure that readers of this forum also know that this shrub isn't grouseberry. Which I did. :-)