Lovely day here in White Rock, BC (April 21) ... time to continue my plant id odyssey. So very pleased to have found this wonderful site and the great people who post without judgement.
7 - whoops, that looks more like Privet in the closeup - from far off it looks like Lily of the Valley....
1, 6 - Viburnum davidii or its close relative V. cinnamomifolium. 3 - Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea' or other similar purple-leaf cultivar. 7 - Prunus laurocerasus, maybe the cultivar 'Otto Luyken'.
Viburnum cinnamomifolium produces a more ovate leaf and has a different branching structure from V. davidii. The hellebore is a Corsican hellebore. Purple Japanese barberry is considered a forma or a cultivar Group rather than a single cultivar 'Atropurpurea' - a great number of purple seedlings have been raised and sold. The laurel is very likely to be 'Otto Luyken'.