does anyone have any cuttings or seedlings of this sedum to sell or giveaway?can't seem to find any nurseries in canada that stock it?thanks Maybe at my link and also something possibly for Hollyberry as its all seeds.
What about this then revid? To buy of course.
thanks katalina25.i just sent them an email to see if they ship to canada.Its a sad day for gardening when you have to go all the way overseas to get a simple plant,lol.
well if I buy it I will let you know and you certainly can have a slip or cutting or even a couple of seeds if I find out how to get them,lol.
That's very kind of you! I can certainly offer some cuttings in return. I have some great succulents you may be interested in acquiring, such as... ~ String of Pearls (will be ready to take more cuttings soon) ~ Baby Burro's Tail ("Burrito") ~ Burro's Tail (larger variety) ~ Jade ~ Echevaria Here's a picture of some cuttings I am currently trying to root... : )
I see Seedum at my local B&Q store, I have something in the garden border at the moment I bought last year or possibly year before. It very nice, a rossette type, its red and gray but oh so slow to grow. It was bought to cover the horrible border wall, its just beginning to creep forward. I also have the red Stonecrop Seedum, now thats a real gem and grows like crazy. Another for cover is a nice green that bears yellow flowers, thats also doing its thing fast. I also have for cover a popular plant which the name escapes me momentarily. Green small leaves, white tiny flowers and red berries in the winter. You can buy the plant as an upright or like I have as a flat plant for growing down my wall, and accross the wall. Quite invasive so they say.
Hi When you do a Google it shows as being available at Phoenix Perennials and also at the UBC plant sale last spring so it will probably be available next spring as well.
I have a plant which I could send a cutting, or I could buy you a plant at our nursery here if you'd reimburse me.
I should have known you would have access to it, you little sneak! Why I outta?#@*!!!$ : O Just teasin' of course, ShearMe. : P