Should raspberry canes be leafing out by now?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by justalittlegardenobsessed, May 11, 2007.

  1. justalittlegardenobsessed

    justalittlegardenobsessed Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC
    Hi all -- About a month ago I planted 5 new Tulameen raspberry canes and 1 Heritage raspberry cane all in a row. One of the Tulameen canes has started producing leaves, and the Heritage, which was a more developed plant (it already had leaves) is producing flowers. But the other Tulameen canes just look like sticks, with no sign of life. Are they dead? Or should I just be patient? I have a chance to buy more Tulameen canes at the UBC plant sale this weekend, which is why I'm wondering ... I'm in Vancouver, BC. Thanks! Dorothy
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    If there are not even any sprouts coming from the roots they are apparently duds. Inspect the crowns and roots for signs of life, there should at least be live buds on the crowns starting to enlarge. The roots should not look dried up and dead.
  3. justalittlegardenobsessed

    justalittlegardenobsessed Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC
    Thanks for the info. There are no live buds on the crowns but there are a couple tiny white roots on the older roots of the plant I dug up. Not very promising. Should I hold out or? Unfortunately I don't know if I'll find any more Tulameen canes around this year ...

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