Hi Mani, no this is dieback that maples suffer from time to time. Some cultivars worse than others. Prune it out now. The process is 'remove' dead, diseased or dying branches at anytime of the year. Tips like this often occurs from under watering the previous year. The stress doesn't always show up when you expect it to. D D
Thank you D, that's reassuring! I assume i cut back as far as i can on the dead wood and not go into healthy wood? Should i also remove any scorched leaves?
The leaves will drop off on there own, but can be removed if unsightly. I always cut back 'just' into the healthy wood, as I do not want more die back. Some people leave a very small stump. There are two schools of thought, but it's what has worked best for you over the years. D
One of my maples suffered from massive leaf burning as I moved it away from shade. I plucked out the leaves and a few days later, it's already starting to leaf out again.
Good morning @vbx, they want to live and your maple shows that so well. The heat where you are must be a challenge for your trees ?? Any photos? D
The ones in the front bed is doing just fine! The ones I've moved from my patio to the open back yard had leaf burns. This variety is the Acer Elegantulum. It's starting to leaf out again after I plucked all the burnt ones out.
They will not be so strong, so protection is now essential. If you lose the second flush in next few weeks it is likely the tree will not make it through the Winter. Sugars from the leaves is delivered to the roots in the Phloem. To be technical it is called translocation. If not delivered the roots have no energy source. Do wish you good luck with your Elegantulum. Keep us all posted.