I've been forced to move the location where I usually grow my corn and this year the plants seem healthy but they are only about 2 feet tall and already the tassles are starting to show at the top of the plants. The area of the garden gets sun from early morning until just after noon then goes into the shade. Is this a nutrient problem or a problem caused by the amount of sunlight? Where I usually grow the plants they get sun from mid morning until late afternoon. The other crops in the immediate vicinity are doing fine (beans, onions, leeks) Anne
Could the area have been contaminated with something. The reason I ask I had a similar situation where vegetables would grow well but were small and often went to seed quickly. Later found out it had been an old burning rubbish heap area. Back years ago household rubbish was burned or buried. So my assumption was there was something in that soil. Was fine when I moved the patch. Liz