I’m looking to add a green leaf JPM to my front yard. This will be the last large JPM I’m adding to my garden. Front yard is west facing and does get some afternoon sun. I have an emeperor 1 that may cast shade at some point. Which one should I get? Coral bark of shishi? I currently have a coral bark in the backyard and it’s my absolute favorite. These are the trees I currently have: Emperor 1 Fireglow Red dragon Sango kaku Seiryu Moonfire Aureum (container) Maiku Jaku (container) Arakawa (container) Mikawa Yatsubusa (container) Palmatum (container) p.s. the tree on the left is a magnolia Vulcan that I planted in January. Late frost killed the flowers and the leaf buds. I have came to the convulsion that this tree is not the right choice for my area so I’m going to replace it with the JPM.
Hmm, the late Spring frost is a bit of a concern @ceriano. Maples hate these frosts and they seem to getting more frequent every year. So how about a species maple. Acer ginnala comes to mind, it has a tight shape and a glorious Autumnal red. Now next to the scarlet of Emperor 1 in the Autumn, I think it would look quite dramatic and eye catching. The Spring and Summer you would have the red and green contrast.
Light frost doesn’t seem to bother the JPMs as much. They are more resilient. Seiryu lost a few leaves but that was about it. The magnolia leaves on the other hand are super delicate.
they look nice but they get too big for my front yard. I prefer something more upright and less wide.
Then my vote goes for Shishigashira...it takes years to get to a large size. Sango kaku is a fast grower and the branches do spread, so not the tight looking effect you are after. But those red branches in the Winter months.......... choices choices !!!!! Lol.
The B&B shishis are 6-7’ tall but they are about $600 delivered. They had a nice looking japonicom too but those grow rather bushy.
That is an eye popping price, but the big ones over here are twice that price @ceriano, so perhaps if cash allows, then its the way to go for instant impact. I would be looking at a good warranty at that price though.
All come with one year warranty. I have bough 19 trees from them so far all have been doing great. The Vulcan came from southern states, they had 3 the other two didn’t make it thru the winter. Is it too late to plant a b&b?
If it is in a pot then no it isn't too late at all. A good watering regime is essential though at this time of year when planting.
I stopped by the nursery, all the b&bs in full sun were scorched. The shishigashira looked good but those were strategically placed under a large tree. I feel for the price it’s a safer bet to wait till the fall. They also had an acer columnar with small leaves. That kinda look interesting too. Niwaki pine may be another option.
Bit of a no brainer really Shishigashira all the time , coral barks are ok but with the shishi you have what you stated you required the stunning green leaf which also comes a architectural structure you wouldn't believe and you don't have to prune it either !! this will always find it's own shape , plus you will get one of the best fall colours on any maple out there, which will also be the last to drop it's leaf in the fall when all your others are just a memory.
Shishi and Sango are like apples and oranges outside of being green JMS. I would vote for the Shishi hands down. Sango gets much larger, has less character, and is more prone to disease.