Shirasawanum Aureum problem

Discussion in 'Maples' started by crispin, Nov 28, 2020.

  1. crispin

    crispin Member

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    New Zealand

    I have a Full Moon Maple, which is just starting to come out this year (I'm in Auckland NZ), I've had it for five years now, it struggles with the colder months here, but we muddle through.

    I usually fertilise once a year in early November, just prior to it coming out.

    Anyway, this year I'm seeing small holes in nearly all the leaves as per my pictures, I can't see any mites, or aphids, or fungi for that matter. I'd be grateful of any suggestions as to what to look for, or if there's any treatment I could give. I am reluctant to spray it with anything, I feel it's a very delicate maple. I have an Autumn moon about 3ft from it, which is not exhibiting the same problem.

    The leaf pictures are of the Full Moon, the picture of the whole maple is my Autumn Moon, which seems to be fine, for comparison.

    Any thoughts on this and any ideas to help it through winter without new growth dying would be most welcome. Thanks in advance.

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  2. Ken Hamilton

    Ken Hamilton Active Member

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    I'm not an expert by any means but I've been in horticulture for forty years. To me it looks almost certainly like insect damage. There's no fungal rot around the edge of the holes. They look to be clean cut or sawn by some flying insect that has fed on rising sap and then flown.
    Again I don't know what pests and critters you have down there so I'm completely open to rebuttal.
  3. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Good afternoon and welcome to the maples forum, I am of the same opinion as @Ken Hamilton as it appears to be insect damage, a general purpose insecticide would be my recommendation, although I cannot see any infestation at this time. A check underneath the leaves would be a good idea to see what you might have.

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