Shindeshojo Request - Summer pictures?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by ColbyTrio, Mar 29, 2005.

  1. ColbyTrio

    ColbyTrio Active Member 10 Years

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    Modesto, CA
    I have looked far and wide and the only Shindeshojo summer pictures are on

    Does anyone out there have a picture of a Shindeshojo in the summer? I think I'm going to buy one tomorrow... just don't tell my wife.
  2. jacquot

    jacquot Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Larchmont Z7, NY, USA
    This is a close-up showing summer color and new growth. The color rendition is a little subdued for the new growth, but pretty close for the green--at least on my monitor.
  3. jacquot

    jacquot Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Larchmont Z7, NY, USA
    It didn't show up, and I'm not sure why. I'll try to post in the gallery...
  4. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Hi Colby:

    Look at these two photos as it will give you a
    good idea as to what you are up against for
    size and shape. I bet this tree in the second
    photo is not much more than 6-8' tall but look
    how wide it is. Our forms here will not be as
    compact as this tree is unless we shape it
    to be this way by pruning.

    That is the growth habit I am used to. Beni
    maiko will grow more upright and much less
    wide in comparison but every bit as dense.
    You can see some of the bronzing of color
    in the second photo. Grown in lots of sun
    the bronzing will look very similar but in
    shade or afternoon sun here the leaves will
    be a green color on the "Oregon" form and a
    bronze green in the Japanese form of
    Shindeshojo. A representative leaf of the
    Japanese form showing the pink highlights
    in the leaf during late Spring, early Summer,
    right before the onset of the sand sprinkle Fu,
    can be seen in Vertrees 2nd edition Japanese
    page 137 on the left. The photo
    on the same page to the right is the Oregon
    form as we called it here. At one time the
    so-called Oregon form was thought to have
    originated from William Goddard.

    Jacquot's pic in the Maple Photo Gallery is
    what you can expect your coloring to look
    like in the Summer with 4 hours of morning
    sun grown here.

  5. jacquot

    jacquot Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Larchmont Z7, NY, USA
    4 hours of morning sun is just about right on.
  6. ColbyTrio

    ColbyTrio Active Member 10 Years

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    Modesto, CA
    Thanks for all of the help guys!

    Well I did it, I bought that sucker! It's about 5' high and super bushy. It's mostly green (a few red leaves) but it was kept in the shade... Not a bad deal at $89. I'l ltry nd snap a few pictures this weekend.

    Now I just need to find a pot...
  7. Layne Uyeno

    Layne Uyeno Active Member 10 Years

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    Los Angeles, CA
    Hi Colby,

    >>Well I did it, I bought that sucker! It's about 5' high and super bushy. It's mostly green (a few red leaves) but it was kept in the shade... <<

    Congrats on the "acquisition". :-) Please keep in mind that the maples are like us in that if we're in the office all week and go to the beach on the weekend we burn very quickly. *Gradually* introduce your tree to more and more sunlight. My friend recently bought a Oshio beni that was in full shade. I failed to tell her what I just told you and she put her little tree on her south-facing balcony. The leaves almost all dried up. :-( Now I somewhat jokingly refer to it as the Osh*t beni....

  8. ColbyTrio

    ColbyTrio Active Member 10 Years

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    Modesto, CA
    Well the new SHhindeshojo has spent about 6 hours in the sun for around a week with no real results. Do you guys think I missed the window of opportunity this year for a bright red Shindeshojo??

    I know a friend of mine has a smaller Shindeshojo and it's as crimson as can be. It too receives around 6 hours of morning/afternoon sun.
  9. mjh1676

    mjh1676 Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southern Oregon
    Bright sun will not color up your maple to the bright red that is seen as a characteristic of new spring foliage. You will get to see a little of this in the new later season growth but to the effect of the bright red contrasting against the greener mature leaves.

    Each year the spring passes me by and I long for it to return again. While maples are known for their fall color the true diverstity is shown in the spring. Sometimes, in the right light, I am amazed that plants can have such colors. The only thing we have going for us is that time passes faster as we get older:)

    Congratulations on your good news...! Talk about a quick way to grow up.
  10. whis4ey

    whis4ey Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Northern Ireland
    I originally bought my JM's for autumn interest. I have just begun to buy for dpring interest. For that reason I have just bought a Shindeshojo and an Ariadne to complement an Orange Dream from last year
    The leaves on the Shindeshojo are just starting to bud out and initially they look deep red. Ariadne looks superbly pink. I will take pics later in the year and post them if they come up to scratch
    I have just added new photographs of many of my maples on my plants page of my website. If you are interested, visit the site, click on Plants, and folllow your nose :)
  11. industrial

    industrial Active Member

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    Sam,If you're after spring colour in a Japanese maple try Acer Palmatum Chisio Improved it has the most vivid pink leaves and retains them for quite a long time before greening up, the leaves are quite small and contrast well against a larger leaved cultivar.Mine is just about to break bud and even in this state they almost glow.
    These pictures are from last spring.I will have to get some better ones this year.

    Attached Files:

  12. whis4ey

    whis4ey Well-Known Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Northern Ireland
    Thanks Industrial
    I turned Chisio Improved down last year because I wanted autumn interest
    Maybe I made a mistake? It looks beautiful
    Ah well .... I suppose one can't have everything? maybe this year?

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