This old Prunus pendula of some some sort does not look like a 'Beni-shidare' to me. The petals are too white in appearance, and in the UBC area, it's not that much at the end of its blooming. There were still a few buds, and just a few petals on the ground, so it's not necessarily that it should have faded to white now. Also, the blossoms are opened more completely than on 'Beni-shidare', for which I know I've remarked that they never seem to fully open. So is this Shidare-zakura, also known as ito-zakura? This is obviously a private tree, so the location is just in the mouse-over.
Just for the record, yes, we do consider this ito-zakura, which is what we've decided we should call these.
Ten years later, this Ito turns to this big, and was trimmed. Maybe the owner need more sunlight for the second floor windows.