sharing Nut Tree seeds for Planting wild Walnut

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Boreal, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. Boreal

    Boreal New Member

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    Offering healthy, fresh White Walnut seeds to pick up anytime and plant yourself (in Spring only),
    to Restore natural habitats for every living being around and help re-Grow the Nature !
    freely and by donation, simply come and pick up

    Chosen from one of easiest to digest and healing Nuts in the world I tried (others give inflammation/allergic reactions or bloating),
    Wise Native people even make baby milk from these exact nuts

    TODAY, while Spring and cold, is Only time in year we can Plant wild Nut Tree seeds right into earth, - to grow Completely by themselves into Big wonderful and enchanting Trees in Summer
    ( planting until about end of March only )

    How can we Really and DIRECTLY help Save Life and the Nature on Earth while here ? helping Life to Return ?,
    Save the Wilderness and our Living World ?
    Wild Nut Trees are truly the Providers for Life on Earth and help Life to continue

    This is our opportunity to directly help save Life on the planet and return to Harmony of Nature and the Living World !

    Any donation you want to offer or help with Natural living is Welcomed,
    - like permaculture grown Organic food or help with building clay and straw natural houses

    Our support is going directly to Growing these Life-giving wild Nut Trees around here anywhere and Everywhere,
    Direct actions so Life will return to our concrete cities,
    and we awaken to true Feelings and Return to Life and the real, Living World ! the Nature

    To begin Giving back - re-Growing the Nature with wild native providing Trees, planting for Life to continue on the planet and coming to Harmony again !
    One of only Actions that actually matter,
    ( I do this directly with my hands every day and share freely young Trees and seeds to plant )

    Supporting each other like this, We are creating eco-village community where friends can share or offer useful help with Natural living to each other, with One Higher Purpose
    ( for Good of every living being on planet and our natural and free living in the Living World )

    Thank you for Loving every living being

    ( my e-mail is borealtribe at gmail dot com, here might not check often )

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  2. Boreal

    Boreal New Member

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    By the way, White Walnut is magical Wonderful and enchanting Tree, and is also in red book now and needs our help to Survive

    and British Columbia is ideal place for this ! Because "Butternut canker" never came through mountain here,
    here we should plant as many Butternut White Walnut Trees and other wild Nut Trees as we want and can,
    this is native and wild Tree to this continent too

    simply choose land and Plant,

    Come to Harmony of Nature Together

    ( where can I find a normal Hand-tool Auger in Canada ?? or over border, like in picture,
    because now I am attaching a new handle to an ice-auger... )

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  3. Margot

    Margot Renowned Contributor 10 Years

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    Nanoose Bay, BC Canada
    Could you please tell what is the botanical name for white walnut?
  4. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    Juglans cinerea
  5. Boreal

    Boreal New Member

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    and here is TOOL i made for even one person being able to plant a Whole wild Nut Food FOREST in a day !
    ( from any chair base ),
    wide enough to barely or almost fit a nut shell sideways, and tube goes 15-20cm long into ground when hammering,

    This is ideal for when squirrels are around, because Nuts are pretty deep and hole is very little and hard to dig out, and there is almost No smell, especially when we wash and rub the shells together well from any pieces of skin (in a bucket with a stick and little water/solution), then squirrels should not smell or find them

    then we drop nut into hole,
    tap the nut into hole with a short round stick,
    squeeze out chunk of earth inside tube back into hole with a stick,
    and tightly tap in on top of ground with a round stick again !

    i can Plant One Tree in about one minute this way in Spring, while cold enough to stratify nuts in ground naturally so they grow in Summer
    ( up to about end of March or middle April where colder, right after ground Unfreezes and does not freeze again at night, we Plant seeds right into earth ! )

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