I love to visit this forum daily to read the advice that you all share and I have even posted a few questions and pictures of my own. I have just found a forum closer to home in Australia that could do with a few more subscribers. I would like to be able to visit both sites in order to get the best information about the plants that I love. If you could 'share the love DownUnder' it would appreciated I am sure. I will continue my daily ritual of checking for the latest info and questions as this is a very well established forum with a depth of knowledge that is second to none. If you became members of both forums it would mean that we could read info and share info in more than one place which can't be a bad thing. If anyone out there is interested in reaching out to people from the Southern Hemisphere please do. The website is located at the link below. ( http://www.maplesxmail.com/mapletalk/index.php? ) I have posted the weblink for this forum in my last post at the forum above. I look forward to reading future posts at both websites. Just for info, I have no vested interest in this new forum other than being what would appear to be the 3rd subscriber! Wouldn't it be great to be part of something new and to watch it grow into an equally great forum. It is up to you out there! Below is the post I submited to the new forum which just so happens to be th 4th post! See you later and enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- G'day, I am planning to buy 3 new maples to add to my collection over the next week or so from the sponsors of this forum as now is the time to buy. I am planning to buy 1 x Crimson Queen, 1 x Red Filligre Lace and 1 x Villa-Taranto. In my collection I have the following:- 1 x A.P 'Dissectum Filigree' 1 x A.P 'Dissectum Bronze' 1 x A.P 'Dissectum Sekimori' 1 x A.P 'Dissectum Palmatifidum' 12 x A.P 'Polymorphum'(hope that is the name for a standard Green Acer Palmatum!) 3 x A.P 'Atropurpureum' 1 x A.P 'Dissectum Seiryu', 1 x A.P 'Red Pigmy' 2 x A.P 'Red dissectum unknowns', and 1 x A.P 'Green Dissectum unknown'. I have a few cuttings that have taken (A.P 'Polymorphum') which I intend to use for grafting in the future. I have attempted my first grafts. I used the understock that I grew from cuttings. I am really testing these understock plants as they are less than 8 months old. I have attempted to graft a scion from an A.P 'Butterfly' to one and a scion from an A.P 'Sango Kaku' to another. I did the graft on the 18th of May and the scions have not dried out or died yet which I think is a good sign. If it isn't obvious I really like the Dissected forms of A.P. I am also partial to the linearilobum varieties. I have found another website with a forum on maples which I have spent hours reading however if we can get this forum of the ground we can learn more about these wonderful plants and how to best care for them in this reigon of the world. The info on this website has been helpful but is not easily related to our climate, seasons and months of the year.( http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/ ) I know of one other Aussie who writes in the above forum and I will let him know and the other readers of this forum. They might like to share their knowledge with the people Downunder! I hope the pictures attached ok. They are two two maples that need to be identified. Well I hope more people take interest in this forum because it would be great to trade hints, advice and plants in the future. -------------------- Paul Camden Shire New South Wales Austraia A proud grower & collector of beautiful Japanese maples!
Durn...I ought to start one down here in Dixie...I could call it "Redneck Maples" or "Momiji, Kaede and Grits"...heh heh heh
Its a new day once again here in Sydney and I have checked both forums. No bites on the Aussie forum as yet! In my last post I said I thought I was the 3rd subscriber however that is not correct I am in fact no 20! I'd like to wish you all a good day or good night where ever you are in the world and may your maples grow healthy and strong. :)