I have always been an "uneducated" gardener - with success, thankfully. However, I have had large sunny gardens. I just purchased a property in Kamloops, which is an entirely different climate than the coast. The lot has mature landscaping, with many large shade trees (maple and cottonwood I beleive), cedar shrubbery, large lilacs and the lot is sloped. The gardens have been sadly neglected and it has taken me several days of back breaking work to clear it of leaves, dead growth etc. However, the bones of someone's labor of love is coming clearer. Other than a small portion of the lot, it gets mostly filtered sunlight or only half a day of sun. I greatly anticipate seeing what comes out of ground this spring. Question... What type of plant should I grow which will give height (ie on a trellis) and some privacy (neighbors yard is a mess and I look at it every time I am in my studio). One area would get about 3 or 4 hours of sunlight with filtered after that. The other only filtered. I had considered a climbing hydrangea.
To say, that your property in Kamloops is sloped is redundant. Almost all of Kamloops is "standing on edge". :) Hydrangeas, as far as I know them, will have a tough time growing in the dry Kamloops air. While cedars also prefer humidity, as long as their roots get enough water they will make it in the dry Interior climate quite nicely and partial shade will help. With pyramid cedars you can relatively quickly establish an effective dense screen. BUT, if their watering is neglected for a couple of months during summer, they will wilt away and eventually die, even after they are established.
Thanks for the input. I already have a couple of beautiful pyramid cedars close to the area in question and was looking for something a little different as I have so many cedars and shrubs. The area in question does get a lot of shade.