Shade Cloth and Other Questions

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Eric La Fountaine, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    The following was sent via email:

    I have 100 green Japanese Maples that I started for rootstock to graft. They are 2 years old and I just have a couple questions that I really need to have answered as soon as possible. I live in Lake Steven's Washington, what percentage shade cloth do you suggest I use to protect my trees from too much sun? Also is there a pesticide you can recommend to treat bugs that they may have picked up, I noticed some potato bugs and some tiny little insects in the dirt of my potted trees. What kind of fertilizer should I use and how often? I have Alaska all purpose plant food Its all natural and has no ammonium is this O.K. its 9-4-4 . Thanks for your time Patti
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Shadecloth unlikely to be needed in Lake Stevens, unless you are worried about the pots getting too hot. I don't think most commercial growers would be.

    Pesticides should be selected and applied after a specific problem has been identified.

    Fertilization should be based on the nutrient content of the soil. Without knowing the makeup and current condition of your potting mix it is almost impossible to say what may be needed.

    If Van Klaveren's nursery, Lake Stevens is still in operation you may like to visit and observe how they are handling their Japanese maples. They are a wholesale grower so I wouldn't go there and flood them with questions about their methods, however. Regarding the fertilization specifically you may be able to get some tips and products at Steuber Distributing Co., Snohomish, as they will be acquainted with what other growers in the local vicinity are buying and using - keeping in mind, again, that the makeup and condition of your potting mix will ultimately detemine which nutrients need to be applied, and in what amounts.
  3. Tanabata

    Tanabata Member Maple Society

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    Lake Stevens Washington
    Hi Ron, thanks for the information regarding useing a shade cloth or not, and I will test the soil in my potted trees to see what to fertilize them with. I have a little soil testing kit that I sent for and forgot all about. I looked up Van Klaverens Nursery and found it on the net. I will go and check out there process, Great Idea! I have gone to other nurserys in the area and they mostly just sell trees that they have brought in. Steubers is really close to where we live, I will ask them what other growers are using on their Japanese Maples. You have been a great help to me. I cant tell you how nice it is to get good accurate feedback to my questions. I put a couple of the different bugs from my potted trees in a plastic bag and I will hopefully find someone who can tell me what they are and how to get rid of them. They might be harmless I dont see any problems, but I want to stay on top of things to be sure that they stay healthy. Thanks again for all your help! Tanabata

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