Several plants at Lost Lagoon A-L

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by wcutler, Jul 26, 2018.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    After all these years, I decided I should learn the names of some of the plants I see all the time. This group I think I have identified, would just like to have corrections where I got it wrong. I saw them all yesterday in a walk along Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park, Vancouver. Comments about status are from the

    Arctium minus, common burdock, listed as Exotic.

    Epilobium ciliatum. This was posted for ID recently, else I'd have assumed it was a different species I found in a book.
    Epilobium-ciliatum_LostLagoon-StanleyPark_Cutler_20180725_140407.jpg Epilobium-ciliatum_LostLagoon-StanleyPark_Cutler_20180725_140422.jpg

    Geum aleppicum, common avens. This one is native in BC, though more east of the Cascades. Edited, see below, Geum macrophyllum.
    Geum-aleppicum_LostLagoon-StanleyPark_Cutler_20180725_135255.jpg Geum-aleppicum_LostLagoon-StanleyPark_Cutler_20180725_135306.jpg

    Impatiens parviflora. I replied to a posting two years ago with a photo from the east path of Byrne Creek Ravine Park near the Welcome board at the south end. I'm pretty sure I saw it along the path north from Edmonds Skytrain Station shortly after that. It's listed only as Exotic, not of concern.
    Impatiens-parviflora_StanleyPark_Cutler_20180725_144652.jpg Impatiens-parviflora_StanleyPark_Cutler_20180725_144703.jpg Impatiens-parviflora_StanleyPark_Cutler_20180725_144854.jpg

    Lactuca muralis. Listed as Exotic. I see a lot of this.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2018
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Geum macrophyllum for the avens maybe.
  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Thank, Eric. I took some more photos today. Was it the more rounded leaves below the end one? Or the larger leaves? Or less likely to find G. aleppicum here?
    Geum-macrophyllum_LostLagoon_Cutler_20180727_P1350896.JPG Geum-macrophyllum_LostLagoon_Cutler_20180727_P1350897.JPG Geum-macrophyllum_LostLagoon_Cutler_20180727_P1350910.JPG Geum-macrophyllum_LostLagoon_Cutler_20180727_P1350918.JPG

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