Sorry about the problems this morning with the web site being down. Considering I don't have any formal training (and the knowledgeable person I rely on when I run into server trouble is away on vacation), I'm pretty happy that I managed to get it up and running again within a few hours. The problem (if you are curious) had to do with the garden's server being unable to resolve the numbers that belong to machines on the Internet to the names reaching the machines that we all use as shorthand. This managed to confuse the web server, mail server and other processes running on this machine to the point where it was unusable. I'm not sure why the problem emerged, as I wasn't doing anything on the server that was remotely related to this at the time... My fix is likely not the best long-term option, so there may be some down-time in the near future when the expert returns from vacation and we solve the problem for good.
Well, it turns out this wasn't my doing - seems like the UBC name server used by this machine failed, which caused problems on this web server. From their email: