I'm not blue, but Douglas Justice was clearly in his Blue Period when he wrote the text for the garden's September newsletter. It was very handy to have this newsletter, as almost all these plants have exuberantly grown over the labels that I'm sure must be there, but I found hardly any of them. The quoted text is all Douglas's. This is Aconitum uchiyama (I found this label!). I think this is the 'Blue Wave' and this, which I'm not guessing the name of, was in the same area Looking for "salvia-like flowers", I was led astray right at the outset by this Salvia guaranitica on the entrance plaza. The striking black calyxes seem unusual to me. And I'm always led astray by Tibouchina, also on the entrance plaza.
Actually there are even more blue plants! I always think about yellow flowers in autumn as a proper colors but UBCBG is really full of blue flowers. Lots of Caryopteris incana and Caryopteris x clandonensis Clematis heracleifolia var. davidiana and Clematis stans My favourite blue were Vitex agnus-castus, Nicandra and Rascoea
Should be 'helmet-shaped' in first quotation segment. First photos should be captioned Aconitum uchiyama.
Thanks for the the spelling corrections, togata57. I've corrected them. Here's a close-up of the very fanciful curled-up petals on the Clematis heracleifolia var. davidiana that Nadia posted. Last year by the end of August this plant had a lot of seed heads. They seemed to be just starting last week.