Hello everyone, I bought this plant in a supermarket and I wonder if this is a house plant at all? Being a fern family plant, can it live indoors at all? If yes, what kind of care does it require? Thanks, Vladimir
Judging by its natural distribution it is adapted to a cool to cold winter period. It might survive indoors without one, but I would not guarantee it. High humidity is important. More information on the species: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=200002770 Web search tip: species names don't take capitals, only the genus name (thus: Selaginella apoda). If you're using a case-sensitive web search for information, this will make a big difference!
Unfortunately I kept the high humidity in my apartment but the plant just isn't a house plant and as such it died just a week after I brought it home. I just keep wondering why are those people from the supermarket selling them as house plants. Thanks for the reply.