I've got about 7' wide space to fill with something that will grow to about 7-8' tall and up to 3' wide. This is for privacy from neighbors, but I don't want to shade their entire deck with 15' trees - our properties are very close. I came across some lovely Blue Point Junipers at the nursery a few days ago but now I'm realizing that they will probably want to get much taller than than 8' and I guess topping junipers is not a good idea. I really don't want to top anything because I like a more natural look. Does anything come to mind? I prefer cypress, false cypress, and junipers over yews and arborvitae, but I know there's probabably not a lot that fits the requirements.
I know you posted this in Gymnosperms, or it ended up here after seeing the plants you mentioned, but what about clumping bamboo?