I am Tony Greenwood from www.peelzoo.com in West Aust .I have rebuilt the Bali Zoo ,now we are teaching zoological & Agricultural studies .We have 45 hecs of land .This land we are growing ,strawberries and a range of veges ,fruits and flowers .I am after more seeds fr veges ,kiwi fruit ,banana passion fruit ,persimmons etc .Can some one please tell me a good suplier .I am after electric fences for the zoo as well ,once again a good suplier .As well after education sheets on agri culture ,perm ,as well glass house ,green house and growth light . I do hope a kind email or two comes our way . tony@peelzoo.com is my contact . Best Regards Tony
I searched Google and found some Australian seed suppliers: http://www.aglinks.com.au/Products/Seed/more2.html Home it helps. :)