Hello. I am having trouble identifying this little plant with web searches. Several weeks ago I had planted some poppy, cleome, and cornflower seeds in our flowerbed. The only plants I've noticed that have popped up are about 15 seedlings of this plant and tons of weeds (which I was afraid to pull at first since I didn't want to pull up flower seedlings by mistake). At first I thought they were poppies but now I'm leaning more towards cleome. At the moment the seedling diameter is the size of a golf ball. Does anyone recognize it?
That's what a few others from another board are telling me as well. Are Mallow a type of weed? The seeds I planted were around 6 to 8 years old. I'm guess now that if these seedlings are not from the seeds I planted then the seeds were all duds. EDIT: I'm almost positive now that this plant is a Venice Mallow. Here are a few pages I found thanks to your help Michael. :) http://www.ppws.vt.edu/scott/weed_id/hibtr.htm http://www.weedalert.com/weed_pages/wa_venice_mallow.htm
It depends on your definition of a weed. Many plants considered a weed by one person are considered a garden flower by another. I have a few Mallow in my flower bed, I leave them there because I think they have pretty flowers, however they weren't planted there, they just showed up one day. Here's mine blooming 2 years ago:
I thought I would post a picture of the little plants first flower I discovered just this morning. I've noticed other flowering mallows growing around our apartment complex but they seem to be common mallows. I haven't noticed any venice mallows anywhere but my flower bed. I wish I had decided to place the little plants in their very own planter so I could clean out my flowerbed due to the marigolds bushing out so quickly. Since several of the mallows are budding would this be a bad idea to transplant them?