Just got done extracting several dozen seeds from Douglas Fir cones and W-Hemlock cones. I planted them in sand sprinked with Rootone. I have no idea of what the correct method would be or that the seeds were good. Probably the wrong time of year aswell? I checked on line but found little info. Gonna hit the Library next week. What do you guys recommend? Thanks!
Yes, sorry, definitely the wrong time of year! - were the seeds extracted from this years green cones (still immature), or last years old cones (seeds might still be fertile if you're lucky)? Best is to collect the cones when they're just starting to open in late September or October, store the seeds over winter refrigerated in slightly damp sand at +1°C, and then sow in spring (early spring in pots indoors, or later spring outside)
Awesome, thanks! The cones were last years batch collected on the ground. This should be interesting, lol.