Hi. I work at a nursery in Texas, and theres a vine that has come up in a pot that we cant identify. I didnt see it flower, but I believe the flowers were white. The seed case is rather unusual-I am enclosing a pic to aid in identifying. The seeds are brown, mostly round except for a hole on one end-that end is relatively flat. They appear wrinkled. I hope this is enough information to go on. Thanks!!! thymekiller
My next scheduled day at that store isnt until next Friday, unfortunately, but as soon as I can, I will provide pictures of the mother plant. I had not thought to take my camera to work today-theres no real safe place to keep it all day. I will try to get back up there before Friday, as we are all anxiously awaiting a positive ID for this plant. Thanks so much for your assistance. thymekiller
Thanks, Malcom!!! I believe it to be in the Thunbergia family - most closly resembling Thunbergia grandiflora, based on the leaves. Excellent site, by the way...