I have a brand new front garden with a wandering rock pathway from the garage to the front of the house. This was done to get rid of the grass. There is rocks along the house with a space between the rocks and the pathway. I would like to plant some low growing perennials, deer resistant plants so I was wondering about Sedum Acre or other low growing sedum. I was at the hospital yesterday and I noticed they have the roof covered with low growing sedum. I would also like to plant a few perennials such as brown eyed susies.
Great idea. go for it. Try any of the shorter thyme varieties too. I have Antennaria rosea growing in these spots too - I love it. The common name "Pink Pussy Toes" makes my sometimes adult children giggle & look embarassed (just a bonus!)
It seems to be a site by site thing, but I've had deer routinely eat and/or uproot sedum plantings (to my dismay), so it may or may not prove to be a good way to go for you. One place in particular, where I planted an entire bed's worth of sedum(s), witnessed the total decimation of it by deer in about a month. If they'll leave it be at your place, it's a good way to go in the situation you describe. Otherwise, varieties of creeping thyme (as Lysichiton suggests). Also consider golden oregano, which makes a nice golden mat, and Lithidora diffusa, "Grace Ward" and "Sky Blue" in particular having vibrant blue flowers.