Here's the second batch. Thanks again! 6. Left behind by my sister, she had no idea what it is. 7. Purchased this one in a pot with two other plants in it that I recently seperated. I think there was some sort of dye in it, the new growth has no colour in it 8. Recent purchased, desperately in need of a bigger pot 9. Another left behind from my sister, it was almost dead and is really coming back with a little TLC 10. Same as above
Number 6 is a Syngonium podophyllum. Don't know the rest. The Syngonium is an easy care plant! I love these guys.
I don't know proper names but number 2/3 looks like a croton of some sort and could need more light (green new growth) and number 7,8,9 looks like a dieffenbachia. Number 1/2 is a great plant. You should look it up (AKA Arrowhead vine) it's leaves change shape with age. Eventually it will have I think it's 5 lobed leaves kind of like a hand!
Thank you again! I looked it up and it is definately a croton, one more down lol. Time to find a new location for it so it can get more direct light!
Shannon 1979, I’m not really sure but it looks like it might be Plectranthus ciliatus, common name, spur flower. The leaf shape isn't quite right but some time juveniles don't look like a mature or older plant. I’m currently rooting a cutting. If it is, or is something similar it should root easily in water. Yours looks pretty leggy, maybe from low light. I'm sure some one will be able to help you. I've not found a group of more informed gardeners. Barbara Lloyd
2/3 is Codaeum variegatum - commonly called Croton. Bright sunlight will help it to mantain those gorgeous leaf colours.