Err... definitely not a fern with the branching arrangement that it has! Sorry, don't know what it is, though. Some more information (location, in particular) would help, as would a close-up if you have one.
Yes, detail a bit fuzzy. My guess is something in family Urticaceae, such as Pilea or Elatostema -- both large and very diverse genera.
i want to revive my earlier request for ID-ing this plant. maybe there's someone out there who can help this time. thanks alot.
The leaves and flowers,remind me of Azara, in the family Flacourtiaceae.However I cannot find anywhere on the web that mentions pink flowers.They all seem to be yellow.
I've been thinking about your cute plant with the interesting leaves.I would also like to know what it is.Do you think that posting a really good photo of the open flowers might at least identify what family it belongs to?