I have a shady bed right in front of my house that I'm thinking of planting with english bluebells or the more colorful scilla hispanicus. Will these do well in full shade with a tiny bit of evening sun? Will these plants take over the whole garden? I also have a few other small plants in the front of this bed that I'd like to keep. Do the plants look good throughout the summer? Thanks for your help.
These plants are woodland plants and look better naturalized. I'm not sure if they would look good just in a border. They are nice planted with daffodils. They do spread and although the flowers are pretty, the leaves tend to droop and fall over after the flowers die. But if you want to put them in your border, go ahead. You might like them there and that's all that matters.
Robust forms in gardens are hybrids between English and Spanish. Not too too fussy in Seattle area, some homeowners jerking them out because they are so prolific (many here don't seem to like garden plants spreading to form colonies).