Where in the Philippines, near Manila can I find this Ocimum basilicum? I need it for my research project. thanks.
Most shops selling live herbs should stock it. Sorry, don't know what the Tagalog name is; Basil in English, तुलसी in Hindi, É in Vietnamese, 羅勒 in Chinese, if that helps find it at all!
Here are some links to help you a bit...try various search engines with common and/or botanical names. I am pretty sure you can dig up lots of information on it. http://jsorg.user.openhosting.com/j...re_bd/2002/000012/000001/r000027-000036ra.pdf http://www.freepatentsonline.com/EP0276575.html http://www.ffcr.or.jp/zaidan/FFCRHOME.nsf/7bd44c20b0dc562649256502001b65e9/3c7dfa2bbc49531d4925688100166846/$FILE/183-8.pdf (I hope its not too late)