My Sciadopitys verticillata is rapidly growing upward with very little increase in width. It started as a perfect pyramidal 5' specimen 4 years ago; has since added 14 to 24" height per year with virtually no increase in girth. Started as a potted specimen on our deck but soon grew too tall so is now in the ground. Deck was sunny; area now mostly shade. Should I trim the leader branch so slow vertical growth?
here's an interesting article from UBC Sciadopitys verticillata | Conifers of UBC I agree - don't prune it - if it's already too "big" (tall?) for your yard - then maybe a tree company with the proper knowledge and equipment can salvage it for someone else to adopt. topping trees is questionable as far as I know. topped evergreens don't look nice - and seem to send up many leaders in place of the former single natural leader.