I have some sort of scale (see pic's) on my Taxodium distichum 'Cascade Falls' and am wondering how to treat it. They are black and redish orange. They have a powdery substance when you pick them off. I have Ortho (Isotox) but I think it is only effective in the crawler stage - this usually around June correct? Or is it safe to use a product like Bonide All Seasons Oil - it says that it can be used year round but just want others opinions. Anyone know what kind of scale it is by chance?
I don't know what it is exactly, but if you don't mind a little bit of labor intensive work, you can take a Q-tip and dab all of the little buggers off. This will kill them and remove them from the plant. You would have to do this for a while until you no longer see the bugs.
are you sure that's scale? kind of look like they might be young ladybirds and they are something you want to keep around.