Here I am again, with another little query. I almost threw out my little Elephant's foot yesterday but just hate to do that to any living thing if it has a chance at life. I have been trying to save it for several months now. It's very small and most of the roots seem to have dried up even tho they were in the soil. The 'foot' part of the plant does not look the way it should. Sort of caving in slightly. I suppose I was watering it too much to try to save it and maybe I'm just making things worse. There are about four roots left but they don't look very good. Any ideas on how I might be able to save it or if this is even possible? It's very small, so won't be too upset if it ends up in the compost. Thanks again everyone.
That's how I look at it. But.... just before I threw it, I gave it a little squeeze and it felt sort of semi hollow inside...... a little squishy ...not mushy though. It hasn't done a thing for several months. Doesn't look worse and doesn't look better. The foliage looks normal. ???? I don't know............
Sounds as though its been watered too often. It should be allowed to almost dry out between waterings, and don't soak it when you do.