These plants look well. Because these are supposed to be yellow peppers, I didn't think they should be harvested until color changed. Unfortunately, soft spots have developed on what appeared to be healthy peppers until now. These spots are light in color. Plants have been sprayed at least once with seven spray. Any suggestions on the problem or for solutions?? Thanks, MADinfant
Possibly blossom-end rot. Try adding a couple of Tums to the soil. It may help! I would harvest them and just cut out the soft spots. The rest of the pepper will be fine. Harvesting the peppers will encourage the plant to produce more peppers. They will turn yellow eventually.
May have also got sunburn. Only water under plants particularly when sun is out. Have a look at photo on site below under tomatoe pic. Liz
I think your right about blossom end rot, my tomatoes are having the same problem. I have not fertilized my garden at all this season. I was trying to use as few chemicals as I could this year. I've quickly learned that that was a mistake. I applied Miracle Grow last week and a couple of tums as you suggested. Thanks for you help.
The leaves look kind of wilted too - hope it's getting enough water. Totallly agree with Jan and Liz. The Tums are a great tip I got from a magazine article - great for tomatoes also. Good luck. : )