Hello everyone ! Here's the thing, I have this palm tree like but the lady who sold it to me told it wasn't a palm tree. She also told me it didn't needed much water and moderate light. I follow what she told me but if you look at the pictures you'll notice he ain't what he used to be, leaves are turning yellowish. Am I giving it too much water or not enough ? What's the name of this tree ? Any help would be greatly appreciated because I love that tree. Please note that I live in Quebec and winters are tough here :) Thank you very much ! http://i.imgur.com/QPZIInD.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nQjemPB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/w87LI5N.jpg
Give it much more light. However do it gradually as a sudden move to full sun would scorch the existing leaves.
Do you think that if I give it a little 20/20/20 it could help ? Remember that we are in the middle of the winter here in Quebec. The lady who sold it to me said I should wait until spring to give it 20/20/20 but it couldn't cause no harm with the look of my tree, right ?