Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis. It has two great things going for it. The wonderfully fragrant flowers, and it's evergreen, glossy leaves. It seems happiest in some shade.
Sarcococca generally are full shade shrubs, best appearance with no hot sun. Other familiar examples are Fatsia japonica, Aucuba japonica and Skimmia japonica. Try S. hookeriana var. digyna, less easy to find but more colorful and graceful than var. humilis. The distinctive feature of var. humilis is the low habit.
You are right, Ron. This one is in full shade. The leaves lose it's glossy sheen and is bleached yellow in full sun. It's low habit is ideal for the front entry approach, which is where this one is growing. The flowers are so diminutive that I really enjoy the suprised look of visitors when I tell them where that strong fragrance is coming from.