Hi there: Wondered if someone could possibly tell me if this is my hardy hibiscus zone 5b Campbellford, Ontario or a sapling of some kind. I did plant a hardy hibiscus in this area but thought it had died a couple of years ago as the plant tag is slightly down wind of where I originally planted the hibiscus. I wondered if it is possibly a birch or poplar sapling. Thanks in advance to a great bunch who have helped me with plant ident. for years Regards, Deb
We have 17 Hibiscus in the aerulean database of which both trionum and moeschetos can be hardy to zone 5. But the leaves look similar to Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - which is only hardy to zone 10 and typically grown as an annual. If grown in a protected spot, who knows!
Thank you so much Susan our winters have been milder other than this winter. No it was not protected. Maybe it is a miracle hehe Regards, Deb
Thanks Stone, Susan: Could be a Mulberry I have a small one on the property however never seen berries on it. Thanks so much. Have a nice weekend Regards, Deb
Thank you so much Ron. I guess it is a yanker. I have one already and it is growing in the middle of my flower garden. Have a nice weekend Thanks Deb