I have a Santa Rosa plum tree in it's third year of growth and it's plums are about 1"--1-1/2" in size and quite a few of them are splitting. What causes this to happen? I need to know.
I just planted one of these. I was told I needed a Methany Plum for cross pollinazation. Then I read else where that they are self pollinating. Which is it? How many years does it take before they have plums?
I have one with worms??? I had one and it did not bear fruit until I planted a second one. I have now had fruit 2 consecutive years which is not supposed to happen. I started a thread a week ago with no replies to my worm problem. Can't seem to keep the insects off either.
Not supposed to have fruit every year?? Thats not good. I want plumbs every year. Does this apply to any other fruit trees? Last year my 3 year old cherry had 3 cherries, this year, not a single flower.