Friends I planted this beautiful Sangu Kaku (Coral Bark) last fall, the leaves came ok this spring, but now I see all the leaves are burnt out and the red bark is turning black. I planted it at place which gets good deal of sun light, I am in DC/Northern VA area, the temperature can get upto 100+ also. Is it dying ? any chances of it coming back to life. I have been watering it good recently gave some plant food also. thanks
This kind of thing happens so often with Japanese maples now one local expert (here) has said to stop planting them. 'Sango Kaku' seems particularly susceptible. Other readers will have ideas which particular problem yours may have.
That is one tree I would not hesitate to return to the seller I don't think there is anything you can do to save it I'm afraid
Sorry, I think it is an ex-Sango kaku. I would call it verticillium wilt, but would be interested if someone thinks this is pseudomonas. It has no chance. Try to return it, it was sick when you bought it already. The problem was not caused by too much sun. Possibly triggered by transplant shock, exacerbated by poor drainage... I agree with Ron, Sango kaku does seem tricky. I had one that I had to cut way back this year, and another that shows a black splotch near the base of the stem but that I'm hoping will pull through... -E
It looks dead. The black discolorations are a sign of disease. Ron points to a pretty discouraging issue, which is that 'most' (all) japanese maples seem to have disease - verticillium, for instance - in them. From our discussions here and on other forums I gathered that our task, if we want to grow them, is to help them fight as much as possible against the diseases, through the right cultural conditions (which, as we know, include the right kind of fertilisation, not only the moisture, wind, sun etc issues). I have maples from a number of European growers, all serious dedicated growers, and had disease issues with a number of trees, no matter from whom they came. I could most of the time point to a possible trigger (my fault, in other words), but they didn't catch verticillium, for instance, in my garden, or potting soil, but came with the disease already present. Once or twice a given tree arrived already with bark issues, which looked pretty deadly - at least given my current level of experience. I didn't return those, as I knew the growers to be in good faith (and maples are not as expensive here as in the States) - but in your case I'd consider it, at least to find out whether you want to buy again from the seller. That said: how much shade did it get? - this could be a possible cause of stress that weakened the tree sufficiently. Schusch