I have a Mango tree growing. its almost 2 years old now. I know its pot is too small. I want to give it a bigger pot but not so big that it'll grow too fast. i have 9 ft ceilings and know it'll surpass that in a couple years. At witch point, if i cant trim it down and maintaining it somehow, i'll give it to a Greenhouse of some kind like a butterfly sanctuary. In the meantime i was hoping if anyone has worked with mangos before if they could give me any tips for getting branches... but not letting it grow too fast.
I have no experience with indoor mangos and my "condo mangos" (Mallika and Lancetilla) are growing larger than I would like. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden has a good web page with videos on the care of outdoor mango trees, which may be helpful for indoors. http://www.fairchildgarden.org/livi...lfruitprogram/jackfruit/growing-a-mango-tree/ Restricting plants to pots does have a dwarfing effect.