To further aid identification, I took a close-up of one of the flower spikes. I'm told the plant may have been purchased last year at the Alpine Garden Club's Western Winter Study Weekend in Richmond, B.C.
Chris, I don't know my salvias well enough to be certain, but your Salvia is perhaps Salvia sclarea (white-bracted selection) or Salvia sclarea 'Vatican White'. I say this because it looks very much like this Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica... but I could be way off base.
Hi Daniel: Way off base huh, I think not! Look at this URL, 2nd picture. I've been from Salvia argentea to Veratrum album as possibles but the leaves were not right. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction as I would not have found this strong possible otherwise. Boy, am I glad this one might be over with. Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica white. Jim