Hi! I have a Sago Palm and alot of the branches are turning brown in the center.If I cut off the branches,The new come in nice and green,look great after a week it does the same thing. Can any one tell me what the problem may be. Thanks Junnieann1
You may have to wait for a response from our resident expert, Sunset Cycads. Do you have a pic? Cheers, LPN.
It's hard to say what the problem might be without knowing more about the conditions in which it is growing. I see you are located in Florida; is it growing outside or inside? In full sun or shade? Are you sure there are no scale insects on it? Florida has a terrible problem with Asian scale on sago palms. Check with a magnifying glass. Please give more particulars on growing conditions and, as LPN suggests, post a photo (thanks for the compliment, LPN!)
I wrote a little while back about my Sago Palm And you thought if you could see pic. it my help to tell me what is wrong.So I'm add pic. this time. The palm is outside it is about 51/2 ft wide.It gets sun and shade,about half and half.I see no asian scale.When new growth started last summer I cut the old of.And it looked just like is does now.But no new growth yet.Is this something they just do. Or does it need something. Thanks Junnieann1
Does the sago have good drainage where it is planted? It may be that it is getting water-logged. Cycads need excellent drainage; this is their main requirement. Make sure it is not sitting in a depression where water collects. Does any of this sound like it may be the problem? It is hard to say what the problem might be but that would be my best guess.
my sago is indoors and onl has 8 leaves on it. the needles ( i guess thats what there called ) are always sticking ou towards the ceilingin the pictures i see and the bottom leaves on my plant. but on the new leave it put up around april or so the new needles are pointing down but still ncie and tight toghether liek they should be. please if you need me to clarify jsut ask.
Cycads are very sensitive to the direction of light. If you have moved the pot the leaves (the "needles" you refer to are actually called "leaflets") will twist towards the light. I am not sure if this is what you are referring to?
alright the leaflets ( sorry for calling them needles lol ) are always pointing up away from the plant like in the picture in this thread. but the lleaflets on mine are pointing downwards down towards the ground liek drooping but it is healthy as far as i know
It sounds like it is just a function of the light levels. As long as the plant is healthy I would not worry about it.