The city has come by to look at our tree (at our request) due to a serious aphid infestation. They have recommended that we spray with Safer Soap (since we have small children at home) We understand this is an ongoing process and may need to be repeated each year Does anyone know the approximate cost of doing this if we hire an outside company The tree is an oak (yes I realize and apologize in advance as this is the Maple forum but there does not appear to be a Oak forum). The tree is approximately 70feet high (hence the need to get someone to perform the service for us)
There is a member of the forums here that can assist you with this, contact Jimweed and he can likely give you an estimate for that type of service. Aphids on the Oak... any sign of scale insect?
Hi Ted, You could try and call a local tree service with a *certified* arborist. This could get costly if done every season though. They might suggest a systemic insecticide instead. Since you have an oak and not a fruit bearing tree using a systemic would be okay as you're not eating fruit or leaves from the plant. As an alternative to insecticidal soap you could use Simple Green. It's cheaper and you can use the left overs to clean around the house. :-) I've used Simple Green to kill various insects infecting my plants including aphids on my maples. Be careful using oil based sprays as some plants are sensitive and the leaves may burn. Hope this helps, Layne
keep in mind that in Vancouver there is a ban on pesticide use, the horticultural soaps and BtK are exempted. Systemics (across Canada these are no longer available to anyone other than licensed professionals) and most other products are not allowed according to the bylaws.