Safe to put out lemon tree mid-March

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by oceanlady, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. oceanlady

    oceanlady New Member

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    Sunshine Coast
    I have a Meyers lemon tree tin a pot that I bring inside in about November for the winter. Do you think I should harden it off a bit before I leave outside for good now, or can I put it outside. (I was going to put it under cover of roof). Also, there are still about 3 good-sized lemons on it from last September. Should I remove them now to get growth going for spring? thanks!
  2. goblinonacloud

    goblinonacloud New Member

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    Delta British Columbia Canada
    Seems a little early to put out given the rain that we've been getting. Personally, I would wait until after Easter as it warms up more. Yes, harvest the lemons and do a bit of pruning before putting it out. If you do wish to put it out now remember to bring it back in before night. Nights are still too cool for lemon trees. Glad that yours is giving you lemons. Mine was blooming regularly, lemons galore and then suddenly, just before this last Christmas something nasty got into it and it died. Broke my heart.
  3. WABlossom

    WABlossom New Member

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    PNW, United States
    I have a lemon tree too, I haven't had it a full year yet; it's in a pot in our living room. During the winter it dropped a leaf or two here and there. But for the most part it was vibrant and healthy. I was so proud of myself - first attempt and all. I watered it weekly; like an orchid - a scoop of ice that would gradually melt. Now as all PN westerner , I got so excited last week when the sun came out (I even wore shorts!). I hauled my pots outside and sat in the sun next to them, reading my books and basking in the sunshine. I brought them inside before the sun went down. And now my lemon tree has no leaves. I am so upset. Perfectly healthy green leaves adorn my floor. After some research, I learned that the leaves got hot, but the roots were cold and in confusion - my tree shook its leaves. Now I am desperate to warm my roots. How do you do that? I have duct taped heating pads to my ceramic pots. Is this ridiculous? Did I kill my tree?

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