Saddest Lemon Tree Ever.

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by rhymeswithemily, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. rhymeswithemily

    rhymeswithemily Member

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    I should just get this out in the open...I am a bad plant mother.

    Now that we have little issue cleared up, on to the trouble. I have two meyer lemon trees in pots in my house. I have a hunch that i've been insanely irresponsible wiht them but they've managed to not only survive but usually thrive with my usual lackadaisical care. They fruit and flower and have new growth. That is... until last week. For sake of ease we'll call the happy one Lemon 1 and we'll call the dumb one Lemon 2. L2 is dropping a million leaves a minute. He just grew some new stuff a few days ago and it was lighting fast growth but then leaves started pouring off of him. I had recently watered them and fearing that his roots were getting soggy i used a long paint brush handle to aerate the soil which seems to have helped. However, i'm concerned. The leaf blades are the part that's dropping, not the stems and the leaves have some dark irregular splotches on the underside of their leaves.

    So as to answer the forth coming questions ahead of time here's a list of biographical details (about the trees of course.)
    - They have been in the same size pot for years.
    - They have survived being frozen years ago.
    - They have been on a cross country road trip.
    - I water them every Wednesday.
    - They're in a west facing window (i live in a building and it's the best i've got)
    - I can't remember ever changing their soil, tough i do recall putting new soil on top.
    - They produce full sized fruit when really happy.

    Thank! I hope someone has an idea!
  2. K Baron

    K Baron Well-Known Member

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    North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
    Meyer's are finicky at times, but a regimented watering schedule may be part of the problem... every Wednesday? I would water only when necessary. Root bound? They should be on the habitual dry side... growth spurts from consistent heat sources? How old are these plants? Picture? And welcome to the UBC forum!
  3. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    can you post some pics??? especially of the discoloration/spots on the leaves.

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