Well you're in the best position to actually see what the pest is, have you used a magnifying glass? Where is the tree growing?
Rima.. Thank you! Plant was outside for 12 hours 1 day.; it is now inside where it get indirect light. No magnifying glass yet..! It is a must buy, I guess. I thought their might be a general remedy, due to the type of plant this is?
Being inside will definitely help protect it from e.g. caterpillars, or whatever, but you could still have brought in tiny things, so keep an eye on it.
Thank you Rima! Sorry for the delayed response! I really appreciate your efforts in assisting myself in getting this problem resolved. the day, I started this thread, I placed my plant under my kitchen flourescent tube light fixture all night long. It appeared to me that my plant eating ___? choose to stay hidden as there were no fresh bites on the leaves. To me this means, my pest must be buried with the potting soil and I am seriously thinking about removing my plant washing all of the present soil off it's root system and re-potting within a better drained pot. It also appeared to myself, that this plant looked fresher or healthier, but then again maybe this was simply wishful thinking on my behalf. Do you or others have any suggestions at all for me? wallsd@gmail.com
Submerge the pot for 10 mins. and anything in there should surface and swim or drown (though apparently eggs can last longer). Your idea is good too, but instead of putting something in the pot bottom, mix it (grit or small gravel) into the soil for drainage.
Thank You! I shall implement your suggestion and see what comes out. This said, because you also mentioned the potential of lingering eggs; I am also still considering the re-potting idea since you did not exclude it. DW