Please help me identify this palm I recently purchased from Ikea 4 days ago. Any advice on how to care for it would also be appreciated, since it has gone quickly downhill. When I bought it, it was all green. Now, its leaves are turning yellow and brown. I repotted it into a similar diameter but slightly deeper pot, without a bottom hole. I used a standard Miracle-Grow potting mix to add about 3 inches of soil to the bottom of the pot before transferring, then watered. I'm an indoor plant novice, so am looking to learn how to care for my plants. Thanks for your help.
It looks like young coconut palm seedling. I never tried to grow them indoors, but if you google on "Coconut palm care", it might help. Also I wouldn't recommend pot without bottom hole for any plant.
you definitely need drainage holes for ALL plants. using the miracle grow soil might be a bad idea - it has fertilizer in it and i don't know how palms react to it...they may not need it or may need it at a much reduced level than would be in that prepared soil. i always use plain soil and then add fert as needed and customized for whatever plant i'm feeding.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news...but if it is, indeed, a coconut palm (which it does appear to be, as stated above)...they're virtually *impossible* to grow indoors. There just plain isn't enough heat/sun/humidity. I've tried it myself, and I know of many other experienced 'plant-persons' who have also tried without luck....they end up experiencing exactly what yours is. Sorry! (Ü)