Running bamboo roots

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Sophie1977, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. Sophie1977

    Sophie1977 New Member

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    High wycombe
    Hi all
    Hope you can help.
    We have running bamboo roots coming into our garden from next door.
    We have dug out the roots and cut them off as best we can up to the fence that divides the two gardens.
    There are some small parts of the roots left ( very small) in our garden.
    We have basically had to dig up a large part of our lovely grass to get to these roots and now plan on re turfing
    My question is once we have re turfed is it possible for these very small roots to grow again into bamboo????
  2. woodschmoe

    woodschmoe Active Member 10 Years

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    gulf island, bc, canada
    In short: yes. Provided a rhizome piece has at least 2 buds on it, it can/will regrow. The original clump will also continue to send new rhizome towards your yard each season.

    I'd suggest installing a rhizome barrier at the fence-line to keep it out. Although bamboo is at the root (pardon the pun) of more than a few neighbourly disputes, you might want to suggest they pay for at least a portion of this...

    Otherwise, you can simply kick over or weed-whack the emergent shoots each Spring: the rhizome remains underground, but won't try to shoot again until the next season (when you do the same thing again....for the rest of your life....).

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