I typically do well with most of my houseplants (by sheer luck it seems) but my Rubber tree that I have had for a couple months is totally perplexing me. It seems to have perked up after a bout of different ailments, but now, some of the leaves seem to have teared or ripped in straight lines. I have checked very carefully for bugs, but can't find any. From the tear, there is a milky ooze. I checked online, and I understand that this is the natural latex from the plant, and in different varieties, the latex is the basis of rubber. Two questions - is this milky latex dangerous for children? When I squeezed one of the leaves, a drop the milk got on my hand, I washed it off straight away, but now it is itchy ! Next, can I bring the plant outside? (I believe I am in zone 6?) The nights can still get pretty cool, but all risk of frost has passed. P.s - The tears seem to be on the outer leaves only, so it could be from my kids running around, bumping into it etc.
Hi, you might simply be allergic to latex. And about the leaves, i don't think that your children running by would cause that because there leaves are pretty tough. greenthumb95
if one of them fell against the tree, they could easily damage the leaves. they're pretty stiff and can take a bit of disturbance (rubbing against, for example). a full-out falling down on them, though, will cause the leaves to crack if they're bent far enough and held that way for long enough. not a big deal as it'll grow new ones and those will eventually die and fall off. the sap shouldn't do much more than be a mild irritant - if you're allergic to latex. if you are then your kids probably are too... as long as you don't rub it in the eyes/nose/mouth and wash it off with soap and water fairly quickly, there shouldn't be anything other than a bit of itchyness for a day or two. yes! you can put it outside for the summer. wait until the nights are consistantly at 55 and above. start easing it out by putting it out for a few hours a day and then increasing the time it's outside every few days. keep it in a shaded spot that gets very bright light...don't put it in direct sun as it's much brighter than when you've got it inside in front of a window (even without specific glazing, the glass still does cut down on the sun's rays a lot).
Thank you for the replies. I discovered the mystery problem with this plant.....My 4 year old daughter! I caught her 'watering' it with her juice! After much back and forth, she owned up to doing this several times over the past two weeks. Also, the little princess was ripping the leaves to see the milk. I tell ya, its a good thing she is cute :) Just thought I'd share .
Kids are such a challenge, aren't they? LOL I missed this thread earlier...if you're still having problems with your plant oozing the milky fluid, spray the cut area with water, this stops the sap from oozing out.