I removed the laurel hedge for a friend in her seventies yesterday, because the roots are pressing against the foundation of her house. (Looks like my mattock and I will become good friends again.) I don’t want to rupture a gas or power line while I’m doing it, so I phoned BC One Call "CALL BEFORE YOU DIG" (604-257-1940 in the Vancouver Area, 1-800-474-6886 elsewhere in B.C.). Just a plug for safety. My problem is getting the roots out. Killing them. Making them decompose. We don’t want this situation to recur. I read an interesting idea at http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_8581912_do-kill-roots-hedge.html. (Very) simply stated, fill up the stumps with high-nitrogen fertilizer until they die. Sounds to me like it should work, but what are your opinions?